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Stratified Flow Lab


Journal Publications:

Lee, A. and J. Crockett, 2018, "Turning depths: Evanescent to propagating wave kinetic energy density,” Physical Review Fluids, 4 (3), p. 34803

Smith, S. and J. Crockett, 2014, "Experiments on Nonlinear Harmonic Wave Generation from Colliding Internal Wave Beams," Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 54, doi: 10.1016/j.expthermflusci.2014.01.012.

Casaday, B. and J. Crockett, "Investigation of High-Frequency Internal Wave Interactions with an Enveloped Inertia Wave," International Journal of Geophysics, vol. 2012, Article ID 863792, 2012. doi:10.1155/2012/863792.

Vanderhoff, J. C. and T. D. Blackhurst (2012), "Numerical Investigation of Co- and Counter-Propagating Internal Wave-Vortex Interactions." International Journal of Dynamics of Fluids, 8 (1), 69-90.

Vanderhoff, J. C., J. W. Rottman, and D. Broutman (2010), "The trapping and de-trapping of short internal waves by an inertia wave." Physics of Fluids, 22 (12), doi:10.1063/1.3527283. (

Vanderhoff, J. C., K. K. Nomura, J. W. Rottman, and C. Macaskill (2008), "Doppler spreading of internal gravity waves by an inertia-wave packet," Journal of Geophysical Research, 113, C05018, doi:10.1029/2007JC004390.(

Conference Publications:

Lee, A., and J. Crockett, An experimental investigation of evanescent wave propagation through a turning depth. 8th International Symposium on Stratified Flows, San Diego, CA September, 2016.

Vanderhoff, J. C., B. Hillyard, and L. Latorre, High frequency wavefield response to an observed inertia wavefield. 7th International Symposium on Stratified Flows, Rome, Italy. August 2011.

Vanderhoff, J., Gravity wave propagation through time-dependent shear. 13th Conference on Mesoscale Processes, Salt Lake City, Utah. August, 2009.

Blackhurst, T. D. and Vanderhoff, J. C., Numerical investigation of internal wave-vortex interactions. 13th Conference on Mesoscale Processes, Salt Lake City, Utah. August, 2009.

Casaday, B. P. and Vanderhoff, J. C., Simulations of internal gravity waves approaching a critical level. 13th Conference on Mesoscale Processes, Salt Lake City, Utah. August, 2009.

Vanderhoff, J. Parameterization of internal wave breaking due to near-inertial shear. 17th Conference on Atmospheric and Oceanic Fluid Dynamics, Stowe, VT. June, 2009.

Vanderhoff, J. Propagation of topographically generated internal waves in the atmosphere. 13th Conference on Mountain Meteorology, Whistler, B.C., Canada. August, 2008.

Conference Presentations:

Lee, A., Hakes, K., Liu, Y., Crockett, J., Allshouse, M. Effect of stratification profile on internal wave energy generated by flow over realistic topographies. 71st Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society DFD, Atlanta, GA, November 18-20, 2018.

Hakes, K., Wesolek, A., Erickson, H., Lee, A., Crockett, J. Internal Wave Kinetic Energy: Particle Imaging Velocimetry vs Synthetic Schlieren. 71st Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society DFD, Atlanta, GA, November 18-20, 2018. (poster)

Lee, A., Crockett, J. Internal Wave Generation in Evanescent Regions. 70th Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society DFD, Denver, CO, November 19-21, 2017.

Blackhurst, T. D. and Vanderhoff, J. C., Internal wave propagation in an accelerating shear flow, Ocean Sciences, Salt Lake City, UT. February 2012. (poster)

Vanderhoff, J., Effect of time-dependent, spatially varying shear on vertical propagation of internal wave energy, Atmospheric Gravity Waves and Their Effects on General Circulation and Climate, Honolulu, HI. March 2011.

Vanderhoff, J., Internal Wave evolution through the atmosphere and ocean, Geophysical and Astrophysical Internal Waves, Les Houches, France. February 2011. *Invited talk.

Vanderhoff, J., Investigation of internal wave amplitude estimates through phase-space ray tracing, American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics Annual Meeting, Long Beach, CA. November, 2010.

Eberly, L. E., and Vanderhoff, J., “Boundary-Layer Effects on Internal Wave Generation in a Stably Stratified Fluid,” American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics Annual Meeting, Long Beach, CA. November, 2010.

Hillyard, B., and Vanderhoff, J. , Investigation of Internal Wave Spectra due to Observed Interactions, American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics Annual Meeting, Long Beach, CA. November, 2010. (poster)

Latorre, L., and Vanderhoff, J., Estimated Overturning of Internal Waves due to Time-Dependent Shear in the Ocean, American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics Annual Meeting, Long Beach, CA. November, 2010. (poster)

Vanderhoff, J. and J. W. Rottman. Energy exchange of small-scale internal waves with inertial waves: A case study. Waves Phenomena IV, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. June, 2010.

Blackhurst, T. D., and J. Vanderhoff, Numerical investigation of internal wave-vortex interactions. Waves Phenomena IV, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. June, 2010.

O. M. Sun, R. Pinkel, J. Vanderhoff. Observational, Theoretical, and Modeling Studies of Large-Amplitude Internal Waves. Ocean Sciences Meeting, Portland, Oregon. February, 2010. (poster)

Vanderhoff, J., Propagation of internal waves through time-dependent shear profiles in the ocean and atmosphere. American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, Minnesota. November, 2009.

Vanderhoff, J., Small-scale internal wave propagation through time-dependent shear in the Ocean. Pattullo Conference, Charleston, South Carolina. May, 2008.

Vanderhoff, J., Rottman, J., Nomura, K. Numerical and observational investigation of small-scale wave interactions with time-dependent shears in the ocean. American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah. November, 2007.